Monday, July 13, 2009


I can't believe that it has been over two months since I have blogged. I swear it doesn't seem like that long. Time is just flying by like crazy.

Today I was thinking that I have to get back to blogging, because Bug is doing so many cute things right now that I want to remember forever and that I want her to be able to read about one day.

Nothing really has happened over the last two months. We have just been hanging out and enjoying summer. Bug is loving the pool this year. Last year she was to small so we pretty much stayed inside all summer. I love that I am able to get a little tan this year.

We have been potty training for the last week and she is totally kicking butt at it. She has even been taking two hour naps and waking up dry. Woot! I can think of so many other ways to spend that diaper money.

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